

  1. Annabi, H., & Locke, J. (In Press). A theoretical framework for investigating the context for creating employment success in information technology for individuals with autism. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-17. doi:10.1017/jmo.2018.79 IF: 1.167 (first special issue on neurodiversity and employment)
  2. Annabi, H., & McGann, S.T. (2019). MISunderstood: A Longitudinal Analysis of Major MISperceptions. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 44, 537-571. IF: 0.576
  3. Annabi, H., & Lebovitz, S. (2018). Improving the retention of women in the IT workforce: An investigation of gender diversity interventions in the USA. Information Systems Journal, 28(6), 1049-1081. IF: 4.48 (Ranked #3 in IS Basket of 8 and #6 in Information and Library Science by JCR)      


  1. Tari, M., Annabi, H., & Ko, A. Undergraduate Teaching Assistants’ Concerns in Creating Inclusive Technology Courses. RESPECT 2018: 3rd Annual Conference For Research On Equity & Sustained Participation In Computing, Engineering, & Technology.
  2. Annabi, H. (2018). The Untold Story: The Masked Experiences of Women with Autism Working in IT. Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans 2018.
  3. Tari, M. & Annabi, H. (2018). Someone On My Level: How Women of Color Describe the Role of Teaching Assistants in Creating Inclusive Technology Courses. Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans 2018.
  4. Annabi, H., & Tari, M. (2018). Are Women Affinity Groups Enough to Solve the Retention Problem of Women in the IT Workforce? Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii 2018. doi:10.24251/hicss.2018.642
  5. Kim, A., & Annabi, H. (2018). Where Affinity Meets Practice: Emerging Communities of Practice to Meet the Needs of Korean IT Professionals. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii 2018. doi:10.24251/hicss.2018.535
  6. Annabi, H., Sundaresan, K., & Zolyomi, A. (2017). It’s Not Just About Attention to Details: Redefining the Talents Autistic Software Developers Bring to Software Development. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii 2017. doi:10.24251/hicss.2017.665
  7. Annabi, H. and Pels, S. (2016). Understanding How Effective Are Diversity Interventions At Addressing the Barriers Women Face in the IT Workplace? A Theoretical Model. Proceedings of the 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Diego 2016.


    1. Romeijn-Stout, E. & Annabi, H. (2019). “Autism Ready Libraries: Improving inclusion in public libraries”. Poster presented at: American Library Association Annual Conference; Washington D.C., MA, (June 2019).
    2. Annabi, H. (2019). Autism-Ready Workplace: Creating and Scaling Autism Hiring Initiatives, Second Annual Spring Autism at Work Summit, Seattle, WA, 2019.
    3. Holmes, T. & Annabi, H. (2018). Job Stress Amongst Software Developers with Autism: A Theoretical Framework, Fourth Annual Post-ICIS SIG- Social Inclusion WorkshopSan Francisco, CA, 2018.
    4. Tari, M. & Annabi, H. (2018). Someone On My Level: How Women of Color Describe the Role of Teaching Assistants in Creating Inclusive Technology Courses, Fourth Annual Post-ICIS SIG- Social Inclusion Workshop, San Francisco, CA, 2018.
    5. Annabi, H. (2018).  Autism Employment in IT: A Research Agenda, TREO Talks – International Conference for Information Systems, San Francisco, CADecember 2018.
    6. Annabi, H. (2018). Autism in the Workplace, In Easing Life Transitions for Adults with Autism Panel, NADD 35th Annual ConferenceSeattle, WA, October 2018.





  1. Tari, M. and Annabi, H.  Exploring Experiences of Asian and Pacific Islander Women in Introductory Computing Courses, Information Systems Journal, under review.
  2. Annabi, H. and Begel, A.  Looking Past Attention to Details: A Holistic Analysis of the Cognitive Talents of Autistic Software Developers, Information and Organization, under review.
  3. Holmes, T. and Annabi, H. The Dark Side of Software Development: Job Stress Amongst Software Developers with Autism, Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2020, under review.


  1. Annabi, H. & Begel, A. (2019). Report from The Autism Research Frontier, Fourth Annual Spring Autism at Work Summit, Seattle 2019. 
  2. Annabi, H. (2019). Autism-Ready Workplace: Creating and Scaling Autism Hiring Initiatives, US Department of Health and Human Services Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee Meeting, April, 2019, Bethesda.
  3. Annabi, H. (2019). Autism in the Workplace: Creating and Scaling Autism Hiring Initiatives, Institute on Disability and Public Policy, American University, April, 2019, Washington, D.C..  
  4. Annabi, H. & Begel, A. (2018). Helping neurotypical employees learn how to work most effectively with their neurodiverse colleagues, Third Annual Autism at Work Summit, Seattle 2018.
  5. Annabi, H., Begel, A., & Bruyere, S.M. (2018). Infusing Precision into Practice: Research Priorities for the Future, Third Annual Autism at Work Summit, Seattle 2018.
  6. Locke, J. & Annabi, H. (2017). Welcome and Inclusion (WiN) Research, Welcome and Inclusion Leadership Symposium, Redmond 2018. 


  1. Annabi, H., Crooks, E.W., Barnett, N., Guadagno, J., Mahoney, J.R., Michelle, J., Pacilio, A., Shukla, H., and Velasco, J. (2019). Autism @ Work Playbook: Finding talent and creating meaningful employment opportunities for people with autism. Seattle, WA: ACCESS-IT, Information School, University of Washington.